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Two-stage compression is 8–12% more efficient than single stage compression. Gardner Denver’s new two-stage VST Series is a more efficient air compressor than other single and two-stage compressors on the market today. The VST Series compressor matches the compressor output (Supply Side) to the system requirements (Demand Side) at the required target pressure. The Gardner Denver VST out-performs other base load and other variable speed compressors. We provide the lowest energy cost and the widest operating range of any other compressor. With the variability found in most plant air systems and the ever-escalating cost of energy today, our VST product is the smarter solution. The VST offers a reliable and stable air supply at the lowest energy cost.
Unit of Measure

Smarter Solutions

Compressed Air Is An Expensive Utility, But A Necessary Utility
In many manufacturing and commercial facilities, compressed air is often referred to as the fourth utility. Compressed air is convenient, versatile, and expensive. It is estimated that in a typical compressed air system over a 5 year period, 86 percent of the total cost is for energy consumed, 8 percent for capital, and 6 percent for maintenance. With energy costs rising to unprecedented levels, energy efficiency in a compressor package is of major importance when evaluating your compressed air system.

The Supply Side Is Not Easily Matched To The Demand Side
Your compressed air system has a huge impact on your plant’s productivity and profitability. System design and compressor choices are important decisions with long lasting implications for your business. The wrong air system or components is costly—in the form of excess energy consumption, elevated repair and maintenance costs, downtime, poor compressed air quality, unacceptable noise levels and more. You should consider the impact your selection decision will have on the issues.

The Complex need - Every Air System is Different

Plant Air Demand Often Varies Widely Over Time

Cost of Compressed Air Over 5 Years
Purchase Cost = 8%
Energy Cost = 86%
Service, Repair & Maintenance Cost = 6%

The Smarter Solution - VST Series™ Variable Speed Compressors

The Gardner Denver VST Series Delivers It All
The VST Series design started from a “clean sheet of paper.” This approach is critical in making a variable speed compressor that delivers optimal performance over the widest operating range. For maximum reliability, key features must be a part of the design foundation.

Great Efficiency At Full Load
The VST Series compressor performs at a specific power level (kW/100 CFM) that is equal to, and in most cases better than, non-drive, two-stage competitive packages.

Technology Leads The Way
Our design team utilized the latest technologies in developing the VST Series with the critical product benefits you require. These technologies include:

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) minimizes pressure drop from the air inlet all the way to the air discharge of the compressor package. This technology maximizes efficiency and minimizes your electrical cost of operation.
  • Finite Element Analysis (FEA) assures that the strength and rigidity of a component is completely understood. If a weakness is identified, design changes are made before the product is produced.
  • Solid Modeling during the design phase allows these technologies to be applied successfully. In addition, product quality and serviceability are greatly enhanced when viewed and analyzed from a solid model.
  • Thermography is utilized to maximize heat transfer and ensure that cool, clean compressed air is delivered to the plant. These technologies are combined with completely new airend designs that optimize efficiency across a broad operating range to minimize the cost of compressed air in your facility. A Smarter Solution designed to meet your needs!

    Huge Savings At Part Load
    The VST Series provides tremendous power savings at part load points that save you thousands of dollars in energy costs each year. This compressor matches the supply of compressed air at the specified target pressure to your system’s specific demand while minimizing the power required to compress the air. Typical compressors either modulate the inlet valve and/or vary the displacement of the first stage to control the capacity of the package. These methods do not offer the power savings of a variable speed control matched to the most efficient compressors nor are they able to achieve the wide operating range of the VST Series products.

    The Benefit:
    Efficient, Reliable, Flexible…

    The VST Series is a complete and revolutionary compressor package that is a Smarter Solution to your Complex Needs. The efficiency limitations of single-stage and two-stage compressors have been eliminated to establish a new standard in performance. The flexibility of the Gardner Denver VST Series exceeds any other compressor on the market today. This means stable pressure in the plant and maximum productivity at the lowest possible electrical cost. Finally, the VST Series is so reliable it is backed by the most comprehensive warranty in the industry.

  • Efficiency Delivering the Lowest Possible Electrical Cost

    Evaluate Efficiency - Full Load, Part Load, No Load

    Upper Range – Part Load Efficiency Gains Importance
    At full load (blue area in graph at right), the VST Series compressor performance is equal to or better than other single-stage and two-stage compressors. As air demand decreases, the VST compressor becomes more energy efficient under part load conditions while other modulating units continue to consume virtually the same amount of energy to compress smaller amounts of air.

    Middle Range – VST Takes Charge
    In the middle range (yellow area), the VST Series compressor offers significant energy savings compared to the other compressor types. The VST compressor offers up to 61% better energy efficiency than other compressor manufacturers, and the advantage increases as flow demand decreases.

    Lower Range – VST is Far Superior
    In the lower range (green shading), the VST compressor energy savings becomes even greater. The VST compressor can efficiently handle the varying demands of today’s air systems over multiple shift operations, saving thousands of dollars in energy cost every year, and resulting in the quickest possible return on investment.

    The VST Series Provides Maximum Efficiency – Full Load, Part Load, No Load

    Typical competitive variable speed single-stage and two-stage compressors are not designed to maximize performance. Most manufacturers simply adapt their current products to a variable speed drive and motor. Gardner Denver’s objective is to design the compressor, drive and motor to compliment one another resulting in the best possible energy savings over the entire operating range of the compressor. The VST Series products are specifically designed to meet this objective.

    To Maximize Efficiency the VST Series Eliminates Every Possible kW

    Newly Designed airends perform efficiently at all speeds

    Unlimited Start/Stop Operation
    When air is not needed, the VST Series compressors stop running and do not vent to atmosphere. We do not see the need to waste the compressed air in the reservoir. The “soft” starting capability of the AirSmart controller allows the motor to start against a pressurized system at any time and will do so as often as required by the system. Our attention to this energy saving detail saves you energy costs.

    Airends Optimized for Variable Speed Operation
    Gardner Denver invested the capital to develop new airends with new rotor profiles for the specific purpose of maximizing energy efficiency in two-stage variable speed compressors. We invested in variable speed technology rather than the conventional gear driven airends. We see this as the future of rotary screw compressors. This technology allows us to synchronize the speeds and performance of the first and second stage airends, to optimize the performance and energy efficiency throughout the operating range of the package.

    Designed for Minimum Pressure Drop
    For every 2 psig of pressure drop through a compressor package an additional 1% of power is consumed. Gardner Denver analyzed every facet of the compressed air stream to eliminate or minimize pressure drop. CFD analysis allowed us to model the airflow through the system and eliminate any restrictions. Our attention to detail saves you energy costs.

    More Models to Choose From
    We offer the widest range of two-stage models of any manufacturer in the industry. Our model range begins at 55 kW (75 horsepower) and expands to 260 kW (350 horsepower). This results in the best possible match of our two-stage compressors to your needs and the best value for your application. These compressors will turn down to 20% of their rated capacity. This allows you the flexibility to meet the diverse variability of your plant’s requirements while preserving the best possible energy efficiency.

    Flexibility to Surpass Your Goals

    Capability to Meet Varying Compressed Air Demands

  • Shift-to-shift, weekday-to-weekend, or season-to-season… we offer the widest turndown range in the industry. In other words, we have a greater capability to handle variable air demand requirements.
  • Selectable pressure from 100–175 psig at the touch of a button—no need for a new compressor when your pressure requirements change.
  • Quick response to pressure changes that maintains target pressure within +/- 1 psi. This provides stable plant pressure resulting in higher productivity.
  • Full line of compressors to match your compressed air requirements from 55 to 260 kW. With more models, we can perfectly match your needs.
  • System storage requirements are minimal. The VST Series is capable of maintaining a +/- 1 psi pressure bandwidth with as little as ½ gallon of storage per cfm output. Other manufacturers require a minimum of 2 gallons of storage per cfm output.
  • The VST compressor is the most efficient compressor you will purchase. The VST is comprised of two independent compressors and drive systems. The first stage is designed for greater volume at lower pressure while the second stage is designed for the most efficient compression ratio. The AirSmart™ controller monitors your system demand in real time and controls the speed of both stages of compression, exactly matching the required demand while using no more energy than is needed to meet the demand.

    The VST Series saves time, saves money, maximizes plant productivity— It’s like having several efficient compressors in one. Smart!

  • Reliability to Maximize Uptime

    Designed for Reliability
    We used a “clean sheet of paper” design approach, with all components carefully selected and tested for their specific performance and purpose.

    The VST Series design incorporates stepped-injection technology. This allows the AirSmart™ controller to maintain the discharge temperature of the compressor above the dew point to prevent condensate from forming in the lubricant. Smart!

    Gardner Denver designed the first and second stage compressors as independent compressors and drives. This choice allows the AirSmart™ controller to synchronize the second stage compressor speed to the exact needs of the first stage—optimizing the input power of the package. The result is the most efficient supply of compressed air to your system demand at the lowest possible energy cost. Reliability and efficiency have been designed into each component in this system to assure you maximum performance and dependability.

    A Warranty Like No Other
    In simple terms, VST Series compressors have a best-in class warranty. A five-year warranty is available for the drive motor, airend, variable frequency drive, controller and more. With regular lubricant sampling and use of OEM parts & lubricant you are guaranteed to have a compressor that exceeds your reliability expectations.

    The AirSmart™ Controller

    N/A Orchestrating Your Compressed Air System

    The AirSmart Controller was designed to make the operators’ interface with the variable speed drive transparent. You don’t need to be an expert on variable speed drives to operate our compressor. The controller takes care of the details.
    The controller automatically adjusts the compressor’s performance to meet your changing air system demands—saving you energy dollars.
    Changing the discharge pressure is as easy as pressing a button. No longer is there a need for a new machine when your pressure demands change.

    Communication & Sequencing
    The optional communication module allows the VST Series units to talk to each other and other Gardner Denver compressors to optimize system efficiency. This isn’t just an hour balancing, on/off sequencing scheme. Our controller allows the system to truly optimize efficiency because it knows the capabilities of other machines and orchestrates their operation.
    The communication module also allows remote monitoring of the VST units.

    Advanced Display
    The controller has a four line display with menus and tactile buttons for easy navigation. Two lines display operating information such as pressure, temperature, operating hours, etc., while the other two lines display advisory messages, shutdown messages, recommended part numbers, and service contact information.

    Making Your Job Easier


    Serviceable Yet Compact Footprint
    Our entire VST line was designed with a compact footprint for space-saving, money-saving installation.

    Super Low Sound
    All VST models are enclosed for quiet, environmentally-friendly and employee friendly operation.

    Designed to deliver SMARTER SOLUTIONS for your complex needs!

    Serviceability & Product Support

    Great attention was given during the design of the VST line to ensure that our compressors are easy to service and maintain.

    Support Network
    Gardner Denver has a network of trained service providers available whenever needed to keep your compressors in top form. We are committed to stocking components to support your compressed air system needs.

    Aftermarket Products
    Gardner Denver carries a full line of aftermarket products to meet your full system needs.